Onboard Internet

Is a holiday a time for disconnecting? Yes! But isn’t it a great time to stay connected and share the good times you’re having with everyone back home? Also yes! That’s why your Carnival cruise gives you options for just how in-touch you want to stay. Looking to share every moment as it happens, hashtag it up and get all the Likes? You’re gonna love our onboard WiFi, which lets you do the social thing and connect your phone, tablet or laptop wherever you are on the ship. Or are you looking to check in every now and then — have a look at your email, check the news and send a note home? Stop in to your ship’s Internet Café, sit down at a computer and enjoy the kinda-connected life. Holiday purist looking to get away from all the news feeds and trending whatevers? We dig your style — a Carnival cruise remains the disconnectedest kind of holiday.

The Details

Menu: WiFi Packages
Age Range: Fun for All
Cost: Additional

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